CoreDump: Hobbes is Tzar again.

Anil Kumar B
1 min readSep 17, 2020

Welcome to CoreDump, the one stop for techies, in this episode Hobbes returns from the thrift store dumps, where Calvin found him to be Tzar again, his comeback with the smart mirror.

Dump 09.17.2020.11.35.AM

Lisa: Hobbes is back again with a new venture, he is installing mac based all in ones with transparent mirrors all over town. He has integrated apple pay with Face ID, for a complete Go experience, you just stare into a smart mirror to authorize a purchase, quick and fast and so convenient, no smart cards, no chips.

Calvin: Hobbes is a Tzar again, but will be speak to us, now that he has reached those dizzying heights. Hobbes, recognize us, your friends?

Hobbes: Smart mirrors and Face ID recognizes everyone, you are identified and rekognized too, rewarded for your hard work, nothing goes unnoticed, I am always watching everything.

Stewie: Don’t you get bored of people, watching more or less the same thing everyday, people are so boring and distasteful, you will sell out soon.

Hobbes: No such intentions, at least people don’t waste their money on depreciating electronics, while vendors and retailers pay for upgrades. Earns more money with the mirrors, and timeless integrations.

Lisa: I hope you still have time for us in your busy schedule.

Hobbes: Always time for Lego…..

