CoreDump: PML to TLA+: An Example.

Anil Kumar B
Jan 8, 2022

Welcome to CoreDUmp, the one stop for techies, in this episode the Trio, return from Redmond, armed with TLA+ tools!

Gecko: Dr Bheemaiah has invented PML, I can show you an example from PML to TLA+, Let me pick this example. It is from Car Talk!

Here is the PML:

A single class Solution,

With the TLA+ code defined, from the link above,

Trio: This is cool, we can write an automated code generator from PML to TLA+, with classes and relationships converted to straight TLA+ with the required scoping! and feed this to Zenon! Great UML or PML for Alloy or TLA+

Gecko: Great model driven provable programming!

Trio: We are off to provable M.L now….

