Food as a Service

Anil Kumar B
2 min readDec 25, 2020


The client-server design is stuck in my mind as the T, the Tinnitus is alive in a ghost in the machine, “you need to be a server to understand” retorted the ghost, but it took me a year to understand that the “server” was a restaurant waiter and food was being served to the clients, this led to ideas like serverless designs, the find of distributed food service like Amazon Go stores and MRE food. In any case, this leads to my next venture franchise, which I call FaaS Go, Food as a Service, and serverless distributed FaaS models.

The outdated vending kiosk, the old FaaS is replaced by a newer blessing box, the FaaS Go, powered by Amazon, an evolution over a vending machine, with the sole purpose of reducing food wastage, using Amazon technologies.

Here you will find free food that people who do not want to waste would donate while Amazon’s technologies will pre-determine if they are worthy of being donated and will give you good karma credits to redeem on store purchases.

So you have a distributed Amazon Go store + a Blessing Box in one!

Since data is the world, I need data on scaling, categories and food cycles, and the distribution dynamics of MRE and Amazon Go food. The data is similar to the data Amazon uses for its Amazon Go stores. If we found the GeoJSON for a FaaS Go store, and the scale was 100 square feet, apart from the dynamics of Amazon products and edible cutlery, Soylent as a beverage, marketing synthetic chai, and coffee which is what Soylent markets, we need numbers on the food wastage reduction and recycling.

If good karma credits are offered will food wastage reduce or will people just buy the concept of exchanging what they don’t need for credits, lowering wastage. A need to quantify this will determine the credits offered and the profitability to the FaaS Go franchise, in food recycling.

One factor is intent to purchase, IoP is quantified and proven to increase for Amazon and instore products from the good karma credits, as they are used for instore purchases, the other factor is the cost dynamics of shop space for the donated goods. A ratio has to be determined at 10–30 percent for donated food.

GK-Credit Model.

GK-Credits are a dynamic pointing system for food wastage reduction, a filter determines if food is worthy of being donated, based on shelf life, and awards point based on a food index and weight or volume.

A food index database is created for most food items and uncategorized foods are evaluated by the nearest food product category, manually selected.

IoP and ratios.

