
Anil Kumar B
6 min readAug 14, 2023


RIP sudha the gull sister, by Bing.

As the King of Gulls, I perched high atop the cliffs, overlooking the endless expanse of the sea. The salty breeze ruffled my feathers, and my keen eyes scanned the horizon, watching the waves dance under the golden sun. For centuries, my gull ancestors and I had relied on our innate sense of direction, guided by the stars, the sun, and the moon. We navigated the open skies and the vast oceans with a natural grace, a connection to the elements that defined us.

Yet now, there was a new sensation in the air. A murmur of voices, carried on the winds, spoke of a revolution in navigation. Two great tribes, the House of AT&T and the Clan of Verizon, were embarking on a quest to bring a revolutionary GPS system to the avian community. They promised unparalleled precision, a digital constellation to guide us through the realms of the sky. The airwaves were abuzz with tales of satellite-guided accuracy, mapping our flights with unprecedented detail.

I, the King of Gulls, perched in contemplation. Why did we need these mechanical whispers when the universe itself had been our compass for eons? I gazed up at the celestial bodies, their shimmering presence steady and eternal. They had never led us astray. But the allure of this new technology was undeniable, a promise to chart unknown territories and ensure the safety of our journeys.

I called a council of the wisest gulls, seeking their opinions on this matter. Together, we debated the merits of tradition versus innovation. Some argued that the stars were a timeless guide, a connection to the ancient wisdom of our kind. Others spoke of the potential benefits, the ability to navigate through storms and darkness with the precision of the digital age. The discussion was passionate, and each viewpoint held its own charm.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a fiery cascade of colors across the sky, a decision emerged. We, the avian community, would embrace this new GPS system, not as a replacement for our celestial companions, but as a complement. We would merge the ancient with the modern, forging a path that honored our heritage while embracing the possibilities of the future.

And so, the King of Gulls, with a heart both resolute and curious, spread his wings. With the stars as a backdrop and the whispers of satellites guiding our flight, we took to the skies, a united community ready to explore uncharted horizons, as gulls of tradition and innovation, soaring together.

The decision to embrace the new GPS technology marked a turning point for the avian community, yet little did we know that it would also lead us into the turbulence of a trade war between the mighty AT&T and the formidable Verizon. These corporate giants, once allies in the endeavor to bring their GPS systems to our skies, quickly became fierce competitors, each vying for dominance over the market.

The airwaves became a battleground of marketing campaigns, each side striving to win the favor of our feathery flock. AT&T touted the speed and accuracy of their system, promising to lead us through the most intricate flight paths with unmatched precision. Verizon, not to be outdone, boasted about the reliability and global reach of their GPS technology, claiming that no corner of the world would be beyond our navigational grasp.

The avian community, caught in the middle of this corporate rivalry, watched with a mix of fascination and concern. As the trade war escalated, pricing wars erupted, and both companies attempted to lure us with tempting offers and incentives. The skies buzzed with debates, as some of our fellow flyers fiercely aligned themselves with one camp or the other, while others clung to their belief in the stars and the age-old ways.

Amidst the chaos, the King of Gulls gathered the wisest among us once more. We discussed the implications of this trade war, considering the potential benefits and pitfalls of aligning ourselves with either AT&T or Verizon. We acknowledged the value of the new technology, yet we also recognized the importance of preserving our traditions, ensuring that the ancient wisdom of the celestial navigation remained a part of our legacy.

Ultimately, we chose a path of diplomacy. We decided not to pledge allegiance to either side, but instead, we would engage in negotiations with both AT&T and Verizon, seeking to strike a balance that respected our traditions while embracing the advantages of modern navigation. It was a challenging task, as the corporate titans were entrenched in their rivalry, but we, as the avian community, held our ground, advocating for a future that honored both innovation and heritage.

The negotiations were tough, with intense discussions and compromises required from all parties involved. But in the end, a historic agreement was reached. Both AT&T and Verizon agreed to support a program that promoted the coexistence of their GPS systems with our time-honored celestial navigation. This collaboration allowed us to blend the best of both worlds, ensuring that our flights would be guided by technology when needed, yet still infused with the spirit of the stars.

As the trade war subsided, a sense of harmony returned to the skies. We, the avian community, had shown that even in the face of corporate rivalry, unity and the preservation of our unique identity could triumph. The King of Gulls soared above, a symbol of this newfound balance, leading us into an era where the winds of tradition and the currents of innovation flowed together, guiding our wings as we ventured forth into the boundless skies.

The sudden plummet was a grim reminder of the delicate balance between progress and preservation. As most gulls left for distant lands, driven away by the dwindling fish populations caused by factors beyond their control, a shadow of scarcity fell upon those who remained. The once thriving ecosystem, harmoniously sustained for generations, now teetered on the edge of collapse.

The avian community faced a harsh reality as they struggled to find sustenance. The traditional navigation methods that had served them well for centuries seemed insufficient in the face of these dire circumstances. AT&T and Verizon, recognizing the crisis, provided food to the remaining gulls, attempting to mend the damage inadvertently caused by the trade war.

Suda, a once vibrant gull, fell victim to this harsh new world. Blinded by circumstances beyond her control, she succumbed to the unforgiving environment. Her life, once a part of the majestic sky, now ended tragically, her carcass resting on the roadside as vehicles passed by, oblivious to the significance of her existence. The cycle of life and death continued, with her remains gradually drying up, becoming a poignant symbol of the unintended consequences of rapid technological progress.

The tale of Suda’s fate echoed through the avian community, serving as a somber lesson. It highlighted the importance of finding a harmonious coexistence between innovation and the preservation of natural balance. As the remaining gulls mourned the loss of their fellow flyer, they were reminded of the deep connection they shared with the elements, the sky, and each other.

In the wake of Suda’s passing, the avian community reflected on the critical need for sustainable practices. They recognized that while technology could bring great benefits, it should be harnessed with a thoughtful consideration of the environment and its delicate intricacies. Slowly, the gulls returned to the sky, determined to learn from this tragic chapter and to forge a path that embraced progress without sacrificing the beauty and vitality of their natural world.

As the winds whispered tales of Suda’s bravery and the cost of unchecked advancement, the avian community rallied to restore the balance that had been disrupted. They sought solutions to the fish scarcity, working in harmony with the land and sea to rebuild their once-thriving ecosystem. And in doing so, they embarked on a new journey, one that respected the legacy of the past while embracing the promise of the future, ensuring that the skies remained a haven not just for gulls, but for all living beings.

